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  3. Inside Out (Franchise)

Riley Andersen MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Riley Andersen? Riley Andersen is an ISFP personality type in MBTI, 6w7 - so/sx - 694 in Enneagram, SLUAN in Big 5, SEI in Socionics.

ISFP sounds about right - Se aux (& Te inf!!) sound a bit closer to the way she solves her problems (physically attempting to run away, sneaking around to pull off that plan). Her arc revolves around becoming more assertive in expressing her clearly very active Fi when it first starts to conflict with others' conveniences. She deals with a lot of guilt in the movie - I think that comes in part from the fact that she sees her stressed-out Te as 'conflicting' with her normal use of Fi. Inf Te + tert Ni + very used to using dom Fi + literally being 11 = *technically* sound, but porous and self-destructive decision-making. Plus she doesn't have that "in her head" quality that INXPs have - she has a complex inner life but seems pretty carefree at her happiest, responding to stimulus around her in the moment without dissecting it. She loves 'being in the world' which is expressed in her social interactions as much as her hobbies, especially her interactions with her parents.


One of the protagonists of Inside Out (alongside her emotions), who has to adjust to a new chapter in her life when her family moves from the Midwest to San Francisco.

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