Angus Macfadyen MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Angus Macfadyen? Angus Macfadyen is an personality type in MBTI, - - in Enneagram, in Big 5, in Socionics.


Angus Macfadyen (born 21 September 1963) is a Scottish actor. His roles include Robert the Bruce, both in Braveheart and Robert the Bruce, Komodo in Warriors of Virtue, Vice-Counsel Dupont in Equilibrium, Jeff Denlon in the Saw franchise, Robert Rogers in the AMC historical drama Turn: Washington's Spies, McCreedy in Cameron Crowe's We Bought a Zoo, and biologist James Murray in The Lost City of Z. He has made appearances on several television series such as Californication, Criminal Minds, Chuck and Superman & Lois.

Pop Culture Figures Similar to Angus Macfadyen
