Jenny Slate MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Jenny Slate? Jenny Slate is an ENFP personality type in MBTI, 7w6 - so/sx - 729 in Enneagram, in Big 5, in Socionics.

“What I didn’t say, because I selfishly wanted to keep the sweet sap of the moment swelling inside myself, undiluted, was ‘Actually, more than anything, I would like my dog to have small blue flowers stuck to his small face as often as possible, and now that you mention it, I want this more than most things that I want, but most of the things that I want are like this thing, and it is a certain type of person who feels this way that I feel, and I’m proud to be one, and now I see that I must really not forget that the style of what I find beautiful is incredible to me, that it is incredible to feel lucky to want to want what one wants, to be able to see the rings of yourself this way, and honestly, Kathleen, I am dead serious on this one.’” -Little Weirds my NeFi queen i think. so very much of it in her writing


Jenny Sarah Slate[1] (born March 25, 1982) is an American actress, comedian and author. She has played Mona-Lisa Saperstein on Parks and Recreation and was the co-creator of the Marcel the Shell with Shoes On short films and children's book series. She was a cast member on Saturday Night Live during its 2009–10 season and has appeared in shows such as Bored to Death, Bob's Burgers, Kroll Show, House of Lies, Married, Star vs. the Forces of Evil and Big Mouth as well as the feature films Obvious Child, Zootopia and The Secret Life of Pets.
