Gina Carano MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Gina Carano? Gina Carano is an ISTP personality type in MBTI, 7w8 - sp/sx - 749 in Enneagram, RCOAN in Big 5, SLE in Socionics.

After watching her interview I am pretty sure she is an ISTP. She mentions not only using logic over feelings, but that when finding her side she tried to find hypocrisy and make conclusions instead of just going off facts. I think her Fe is good, but it is clear that she has anti Fi because she didn’t understand how people got offended off most of her posts due to the fact that she looked at it logically and don’t consider they would view it in their own perceived emotional way. She even says that she was criticized for making a logical response to a an emotional topic by someone. I can definitely understand an ISFP vibe though, but when hearing her explain I saw lots of Ti-Fe over Fi-Te. I have no idea about Se-Ne, but she seems more Se not only due to her career, but she said she tends to only look into things that are important to her or effect her. If anyone thinks otherwise please let me know because I could be wrong.


Gina Joy Carano (born April 16, 1982) is an American actress, television personality, fitness model and a former mixed martial artist. Carano began training in Muay Thai before transitioning to competitive MMA, where she competed in Strikeforce and EliteXC. She was featured in ESPN The Magazine as well as Maxim.

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