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Louie Letterier MBTI Personality Type

Louie Letterier MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Louie Letterier? Louie Letterier is an ESTP personality type in MBTI, 6w7 - - in Enneagram, in Big 5, in Socionics.


Louis Leterrier (French: [lwi lətɛʁje]; born 17 June 1973) is a French film director and producer. Best known for his work in action films, he directed the first two Transporter films (2002–2013), Unleashed (2005), The Incredible Hulk (2008), Clash of the Titans (2010), Now You See Me (2013) and the streaming television series The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance (2019). His latest film will be the tenth Fast & Furious installment, Fast X (2023).
