Z23 MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Z23? Z23 is an ESTJ personality type in MBTI, 1w2 - sp/so - 136 in Enneagram, SLOEN in Big 5, LSE in Socionics.


Type 1936A destroyer, Z23. "I’m Z23, the eldest sister of the 1936A-class destroyers. Unlike my sisters before me, who all had a namesake, my younger sisters and I only had a serial code for our names. It might be a little cold and impersonal, but I believe it’s also more convenient. So please, feel free to call me Z23." 不知道你憧憬过班上那位成绩优秀、做事一丝不苟的女孩吗?你有幻想过和她一起学习的光景,和她共有的未来吗?Z23就是那样的,不,她就是那个女孩。现在,她来到你的身边了。不过,和优等生同行的生活可从来不是充满玫瑰色的,如果你不够努力,那也许有一天就会被她远远甩在身后也说不定。所以,假如你心怀憧憬,那就前进吧,指挥官,为了不辜负她的期待。

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