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Laffey MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Laffey? Laffey is an INFP personality type in MBTI, 9w8 - sx/sp - 954 in Enneagram, RCUEI in Big 5, SLI in Socionics.

yeah, INFP checks out lmao


USS DD-459 Laffey (拉菲 ラフィー) the 6th of the Benson-class Destroyers. "I'm the much anticipated Benson-class destroyer, Laffey, who performed excellently during the Third Battle of the Solomon Sea. Battleship? What's that?" 你应该听说过拉菲小姐在那战的英勇,并且惊讶于她与事迹不符的冷淡。关于这一点只能说越是外表冰山的人,也许越有一颗火热的内心。而这往往不是其他人能够品味到的。你是她的其他人吗?这就要看你的选择了。

Anime & Manga Characters Similar to Laffey
