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"The Legion" - Frank Morrison MBTI Personality Type

"The Legion" - Frank Morrison MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is "The Legion" - Frank Morrison? "The Legion" - Frank Morrison is an ENTP personality type in MBTI, 8w7 - sx/so - 874 in Enneagram, SCOEI in Big 5, SEE in Socionics.

Frank Morrison from Dead by Daylight is clearly an ENTP rather than an ESFP. He’s all about exploring new ideas and stirring up chaos, which fits the ENTP's love for brainstorming and challenging boundaries. ENTPs thrive on abstract thinking and strategy, whereas ESFPs focus more on immediate sensory experiences and living in the moment. Frank’s actions are driven by logic and a need to disrupt the norm, showing his preference for analyzing and manipulating situations rather than just reacting to how things feel. He thrives on unpredictability and chaos, which aligns with the ENTP’s dislike for routine and focus on future possibilities. This approach to life and interaction is a much better match for the ENTP personality type than for the ESFP.


Frank Morrison has had a hard-knock life, moving between foster homes in Calgary from the age of six due to his violent nature. His last foster parent would be Clive Edwards, a disreputable man in the small town of Ormond who wasted the money given to him to raise Frank on alcohol. He would've done his level best to make his way to a different foster home, had he not met Julie Kostenko, a young woman who wanted more than to simply live in a one-horse town like Ormond. Through Julie, Frank would also befriend Joey and Susie Lavoie.Frank, who had dropped out of school after being thrown off of the basketball team, found himself as the de facto leader of his new group of friends, and used his influence to spice up their boring small-town lives by hanging out in an abandoned lodge from where they would embark on nights of mischief, wearing masks as they committed acts of petty crime. Their lives would be forever changed when, one fateful night, the gang tried to vandalize a store that was still occupied by a cleaner. When the cleaner tried to apprehend Julie, Frank retaliated by stabbing him in the back. As the cleaner laid bleeding on the ground, Frank coerced Julie, Joey, and Susie into taking the knife and taking turns stabbing him to death.As they disposed of the body that night, the Fog closed in on Frank, who found himself in a strange new realm. Susie, Joey, and Julie entered the fog to follow Frank. None of them were ever seen in Ormond again...

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