Dead by Daylight MBTI Personality Type
What is the personality type of your favorite characters from Dead by Daylight?
Dead by Daylight
Personality Type of Dead by Daylight Characters
Which Dead by Daylight characters are you and which characters best fit you based on MBTI personality type?
"The Ghost Face" - Danny Johnson / "Jed Olsen"
"The Legion" - Frank Morrison
Mikaela Reid
"The Trickster" - Ji-Woon Hak
"The Blight" - Talbot Grimes
Jake Park
"The Doctor" Herman Carter
Cheryl "Heather" Mason
Feng Min
Dwight Fairfield
"The Huntress" - Anna
Claudette Morel
Nea Karlsson
"The Onryō" - Sadako Yamamura
Meg Thomas
"The Plague" - Adiris
Sable Ward
Yun-Jin Lee
"The Artist" - Carmina Mora
"The Trapper" - Evan MacMillan
Personality Type of Dead by Daylight Casts
What is personality type of Dead by Daylight casts? Do Dead by Daylight casts have the same personality type as their characters.
Personality Type of Dead by Daylight Creators
Which personalities created Dead by Daylight?