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  3. The Good Place (2016)

Brent Norwalk MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Brent Norwalk? Brent Norwalk is an ESTJ personality type in MBTI, 8w7 - so/sp - 387 in Enneagram, SLUEN in Big 5, SLE in Socionics.

He relates eeeeverything to his past alllll the time. Anything he uses as a justification is past-based (Si Aux). He doesn't really use Ti. He states everything matter-of-fact and often uses labels and categories to refer to things. I don't think he has Fi Trickster. For example, he said he's 'mean to everybody' so he's technically not discriminatory. His Inferior Fi formed the belief that if you treat everyone the same then you're not a bad person. It took him so long to regard anyone else's feelings. He also believes achievements and status determine your self worth (Te-Fi). He convinced himself that he doesn't have to change using the various beliefs he has. We also know he blows up whenever someone is better than him. Pretty sure this is because Inferior Fi. His sense of self-worth is sensitive. He only blows his top in these particular circumstances so I wouldn't argue that he's just a rage-y Se Dom. Another example, when everyone criticized his book. He uses his achievements to support his worth and identity. His inferior function was attacked so he ran away. Plays the same sport every single day. Very repetitive. Feels the need to dominate situations and other people. Judges others using labels. Closed-minded and apprehensive to change. He's a straightforward ESTJ. Not saying all ESTJs look like Brent. He obviously wasn't the best person at the start and we saw how his behavior changed afterwards and how he used his functions in a healthier way.


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