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Muichiro Tokito MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Muichiro Tokito? Muichiro Tokito is an INFP personality type in MBTI, 9w8 - sp/so - 954 in Enneagram, RCUEI in Big 5, SLI in Socionics.

The yearning over the old times in the manga shows how much of a Fi-dom muichirou is. His emotions were guided based on his morals, and I think that's a prominent thing in Fi-Ne people/characters. Being happy over familiar things again (as shown of what he's said in the manga about his family and friends) is a true example of a Fi-dom. He wants to relinquish the feeling of being alive like that. With many INFPs, they try not to fall into that pit of pessimism. That pit is shown in an unhealthy Fi-dom, where an INFP can be blunt, cynical, and more. That's what truly being drifted away into your emotions is like. As shown in threads under my comment, INFPs seek growth in the society that surrounds them. Not to mention, they also seek personal growth too. Even him being brutally honest is a sign of a Fi-dom, making decisions on feeling due to wanting to fix the things around them. Honesty is a way to embrace criticism, for personal growth or for the people around you as well. One last thing; I can tell that a lot of the INTP voters are anime-only's, which is why I don't blame them for their votes. However; the stereotype that thinkers are smart and feelers aren't is utter bullcrap. I cannot cope with how much INFPs are perceived only as lazy and unmotivated. It's so prominent that it's become so much of a stereotype, to the point where people give misinformation on typing. Please study the functions before going by stereotypes, break the cycle.


"I was the happy when the four of us were living together as a family. And ever since I was left alone, I had my share of painful and sad moments, but I made friends. I had fun, and I could smile again. I had so many times I was happy I can't count them all. Is that so bad? I didn't run away from anything, and I didn't turn my eyes away either. I put my life on the line for my friends, and I have no regrets about it." Muichiro Tokito is a major supporting character of Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba. He is a Demon Slayer of the Demon Slayer Corps and the current Mist Hashira. Muichiro along with his brother Yuichiro Tokito, are the descendants of Upper Rank One, Kokushibo. Seiyuu: #KengoKawanishi

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