Sp/Sx Eight MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Sp/Sx Eight? Sp/Sx Eight is an ESTP personality type in MBTI, 8w9 - sp/sx - 863 in Enneagram, SCOEN in Big 5, SLE in Socionics.

Best fictional example is Lucas Hood (Banshee) - ESTP 8w9 863 SLE Others include: 1. Nicky Santoro (Casino) - 8w7 837 SLE 2. Soldier Boy (The Boys) - 8w9 863 SLE 3. James Delaney (Taboo) - 8w9 854 SLE 4. Janine 'Smurf' Cody (Animal Kingdom) - 8w7 837 SLE 5. Zoom (The Flash) - 8w7 863 SLE ISTP is a cope vote


SP/SX Eights are very independent and individualistic social Darwinists who believe in going after what they want and taking it by any means necessary and show apathy and indifference towards groups or social norms. They are more fiery and impulsive compared to SP/SO eights, as their second variant (sexual) gives them a hedonistic and rebellious streak alongside the reclusive 'survivalist' nature of the dominant self-preservation instinct. They are self-reliant and aim to acquire resources and material they want to satisfy their own personal physical needs (food, shelter, etc.) without any outside interference, shamelessly rejecting belonging to any collectives or large groups and having a 'rugged individualist', lone wolf mentality. SP/SX eights go after their needs in a cold and emotionally detached way and are frustrated when they feel unable to satisfy their needs and desires.
