So/Sx Six MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is So/Sx Six? So/Sx Six is an INTP personality type in MBTI, 6w5 - so/sx - 613 in Enneagram, RLOEI in Big 5, LSI in Socionics.

Why are you voting Social Six, one if not the most "intellectual" and dogmatic subtype alongside So5 as a feeler? > "They attempt to resolve their social insecurity and avoid their fear by adapting to a belief, a group, a leader or a personal moral code, these are the laws they choose to obey. These people, then, become highly dutiful, loyal and devoted. These 6s also have a focus on productivity, efficiency and precision. While the SP6 is never sure, the SO6 can end up being too sure, if there is a clear procedure and guideline to follow, it can calm them down. They are also very afraid of bending what they believe in, they aren't flexible with their beliefs. However, they don't blindly follow ideologies, they first doubt it until they are sure in it. On the other side of the spectrum, it is not uncommon for a SO6 to put trust in a system, only to be disappointed by it and end up developing their own set of rules to follow which they feel is truly just. Ichazo titled SO6 "Duty", because these people often obey the laws of the group for acceptance, they also have an excessive intellectual control of behaviour that accompanies the repression of their desires."


Social/Sexual Six 'Duty-Strength/Beauty' This type can be very different from the other social type, because with this type, security comes from making alliances with individuals. Their weakness comes from their self-pres instinct being last, so they are not as independent as the self-pres/soc. They rely on key people in their lives when doubt sets in. Their security comes from maintaining close bonds. They fear rejection much more then the soc/self-pres. This softens the strong stances seen in the soc/self-pres, because the soc/sex doesn’t find its security in organizations and government. They go through life looking for the people they think will be able to direct them. On the down side, they can make individuals into their authority figures and rely too much on them. They are a lighter Six. They go with the flow more than the other subtypes. They are likely to use humor to charm people, but on the down side may whine and... (
