Daniel Craig MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Daniel Craig? Daniel Craig is an ISTP personality type in MBTI, 6w5 - sx/sp - 684 in Enneagram, RCUEN in Big 5, LSI in Socionics.

This guy came to my butcher shop last year, bought a shitload of chicken, and never came back.


Daniel Wroughton Craig CMG (born 2 March 1968 in Chester) is an English actor. His career took off with appearances in the classic Mini Series Our Friends in the North and Sharpe, and movies such as Elizabeth and Layer Cake, but he's since become best known for one particular role... Bond. James Bond. Despite being known primarily for Bond, Craig has had major roles in a number of other films. He also has had a long and healthy career as a stage actor. Also, Craig is one of us, being a self-described "old hand Trekkie", as well as being a fan of Firefly and, of course, Doctor Who. It was also his idea to have "Orinoco Flow" playing over a certain key scene in Dragon Tattoo. Daniel's second wife is Rachel Weisz since June 2011. They have a child since 2018. Both of them also have American nationality, although Craig was naturalized in 2019 in part due to his wife being a naturalized American in 2011. On an unrelated note, it's been shown as canon that he is Buffy and Faith's fantasy

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