Barry Kripke MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Barry Kripke? Barry Kripke is an ENTP personality type in MBTI, 7w8 - sx/sp - 738 in Enneagram, SCUEI in Big 5, ILE in Socionics.

Firstly, I don't think I have enough information to conclude him to any enneagram instinctual variant, as the Kripke we see is only the one at work interacting with Sheldon, so I am not sure how he acts during other parts of his life. However, from what he does and the resources he has access to, I think it's highly possible that he is a sp7. He is very playful, and constantly emerges himself in playful events (as he claims, he spends his money on "liquor and broads"). He is usually the person noticing Sheldon about parties and events, and always has the first-handed information (for example, when Sheldon was on the radio show, he knew the news before Sheldon's friends, and he has proof of how Dr. Pemberton copied the thesis from other people). It seems that he has a large social network, and most of them work for him, and he holds people's relationship for the sake of keeping it (like how he hates Dr. Pemberton but still holds their relationship). He also thinks in an extremely pragmatic way. He went to Sheldon's party because there was a lottery (or something like that), and agreed to hang out with Sheldon if Sheldon pays for whatever it costs. He seems to be avoiding sad feelings through enjoying life as well, as he says he is a string pragmatist instead of a string theorist, who try to prove something that cannot be proven, apply for money, and spend it on his life. However, it is said that self-preservation 7s usually value families and connections, while Kripke is hardly ever in a stable relationship, or has any stable friends (he seems to always be eating alone in the cafeteria). This might be a contradicting idea and could be debatable.


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