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Seijuro Mikoshiba MBTI Personality Type

Seijuro Mikoshiba MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Seijuro Mikoshiba? Seijuro Mikoshiba is an ESTP personality type in MBTI, 7w8 - sx/so - 728 in Enneagram, SCUAN in Big 5, SEE in Socionics.

never really saw his 6 wing, 8 fits more imo


Seijuro is an enthusiastic person, being incredibly weak against cute girls - as seen as he has fallen in love with Gou Matsuoka on their first meeting, calling her “cute”. Nagisa once stated that he had thought that Seijuro was only an enthusiastic person and that he hadn't been a good swimmer, however, this was proven wrong when Seijuro won 1st place in the swimming tournament. Contrary to his happy-go-lucky personality when around things he likes and girls, Gou mainly, Seijuro is a strict, serious captain of a swimming team. Even though he's strict, he sometime tends to give comic reliefs in the show. He is said to defy logic, being able to swim 100 meters one hundred times, not loosing one single time.

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