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The Nameless Boy MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is The Nameless Boy? The Nameless Boy is an ENFJ personality type in MBTI, 7w6 - so/sx - 792 in Enneagram, SLUAI in Big 5, SEI in Socionics.

It is hard, in fact, to type a character that appeared in only one episode and aprox. 80 pages of manga, but I can prove you that he is an ENFJ and not an ESFJ with only the information that is provired in such a small amount of screen time. ENFJs and ESFJs both process situations emotionally, follow set plans, and enjoy spending time with others, but ENFJs are generally creative and focused on the big picture, while ESFJs are practical and detail-oriented. If this hasn’t made it abvious to you, let me explain you it in greater detail. Starting with the cognitive functions of the: - ENFJs: Fe Ni Se Ti - ESFJs: Fe Si Ne Ti Let's start by comparing Ni and Si: Ni is about strong gut feeling or instinct, while Si is about past memory and tradition. You can translate it in greater detail to: while users of Ni just “know” things intuitively and they hold to these insights with unshakeble resolve, users of Si have a vast memory bank of stored impressions, facts, and details that give them unshakeable ideas and viewpoints. The fact that the nameless boy (as much as I disike calling him this way, I have no choice, but to refer to him in some way) is giving his best to not forget the appearance of his family members is showing a little bit of his Ni. You can also see him making assumptions about the situation in which his relatives are. His lack of proves aren’t troubling him at all in figuring out it and he manages to find them later on. Moving on to Se and Ne: Se wants to explore the physical world, while Ne wants to explore the imaginary world of possibilities, of ideas. His Se is casually shown in almost all of his screen time. He wishes to explore the unknown and to try everything out himself. You might be confused by the fact that he talks about his objective a lot, which may seem as a Ne to you, but the fact that he actually takes action is the certain proof of his Se. I wish that I made it clear to you and I am opened to listening to your opinion too.


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