Screech MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Screech? Screech is an ENTP personality type in MBTI, 7w8 - sx/so - 738 in Enneagram, SCUEI in Big 5, in Socionics.

My smoochity smooch Screech. His actions are random, crazy, heโ€™s fast, likes pranking others, seems positive. Result: High Ne = Is creative about the way where he spawns, plays with noises, doing the pssst noises even in places where you arenโ€™t, heโ€™s just playing, not trying to go with planning like Ni, has no Si, seems like not caring about Se. High Ti = Probably. His actions are actually reasonable. Heโ€™s trying to make you feel watched, unsure, scared. And heโ€™s not doing this all for Fi, more for like Fe because I genuinely see him like some little creep who just wants to be a part of a big team of scary monsters, probably enjoys coworking and creating more fear.


Screech appears in naturally dark rooms (not rooms that were darkened by Rush or Ambush). Screech will spawn somewhere behind the player, alerting them by making a "psst" sound. When the player hears this sound, they must move their camera around, try to find Screech and stare directly at it before it attacks them. If the player fails to find it, Screech will jumpscare them and take roughly 1/3 of their health. However if looked directly at in time, Screech will still jumpscare the player, but rewardingly, take no health.
