Grace MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Grace? Grace is an INFP personality type in MBTI, 4w5 - - in Enneagram, in Big 5, in Socionics.

(WARNING: Spoilers about the Delirium series are below.) Re-reading the Delirium series recently, I would say Grace uses the following functions in this order: Fi - Si - Ne - Te Fi (Introverted Feeling): Grace is super young, but I think she's an INFP. Grace tends to think about how she feels (Fi) over reading what others feel (Fe). For instance, Grace cried over Lena continuing to believe the ideas of their society and was revealed to be silent as a sign of resistance against the cure (Fi morality). Si (Introverted Sensing): Grace tends to focus more on reflecting on details of past experiences and observing situations (Si) instead of focusing more on the present, jumping right into things, and being spontaneous (Se). Even though she lost her mom at a young age, it seems as if Grace still remembers her since she has dreams about her mother. Furthermore, instead of jumping in and playing with the other kids, Grace tends to observe them more than play with them. Ne (Extroverted Intuition): Grace tends to think about possibilities (Ne) over patterns, narrowing things down, and the big picture (Ni). In Delirium, Lena mentioned how Grace looked at blocks as if imagining they were something different. Imagining something as something other than what it actually is may indicate Ne over Ni. Te (Extroverted Thinking): Grace is young, so I think this function is undeveloped. I don't see her using it. If you want, feel free to share your Delirium character MBTI-type arguments with me. I would love to hear them as long as you address me nicely.


Grace was Lena's cousin in the Delirium book series by Lauren Oliver.

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