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Takemichi “Takemitchy” Hanagaki MBTI Personality Type

Takemichi “Takemitchy” Hanagaki MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Takemichi “Takemitchy” Hanagaki? Takemichi “Takemitchy” Hanagaki is an ISFP personality type in MBTI, 9w1 - so/sx - 926 in Enneagram, SLUAN in Big 5, SEI in Socionics.

I can't see Takemichi as a self-preservation 9 when he gets carried away by the needs of others and hardly ever thinks about himself, the self-preservation 9 is the one who spends the most time comfortable and caring for himself, why SP/SO? I think Take would be of the instinctive variant SO/SX, since he likes to get involved in group activities and we see how since he was little he wants to belong to a gang, Takemichi is a "hero" who cares more about the needs of others and that others are happy, wants to prevent discontent and solve things by motivating others just as he does in the Toman fights when everyone is broken. That on the side of SO, on the side of SX, is a person who gives himself totally to his friendly relationships such as his love relationship, his desires are those of the other and he enjoys as he sees that the other person is enjoying, Takemichi would have SP as blind point.


Takemichi was an individual who has lost his sense of direction. Thus, he had low self esteem, always apologizing for even the smallest things and easily crying. As noted by those around him and even himself, all he is good for is apologizing. He also holds a grudge towards wealthy people because he himself is not very financially stable. However, going back in time again and again gradually molds Takemichi into a completely different person. Slowly, he turns from a coward into a man with unshakeable conviction. Even facing insurmountable odds, he refuses to back down. He becomes the one who holds Toman together through their hardships and turns into its unofficial leader, guiding even Mikey and Draken onto the right paths.

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