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Kaname Toujou MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Kaname Toujou? Kaname Toujou is an INFP personality type in MBTI, 4w3 - sx/so - 468 in Enneagram, RLOEN in Big 5, ESI in Socionics.

the arguments about how he is more of a 4 than a 6 are explaining counterphobic 6s, but kaname is a phobic 6, holding thightly to authority figures in his life -his mother, his brother- to feel safe and, he hopes, eventually happy ("you might understand my sense of urgency and fear, that i will freeze to death if i do not cling onto something warm. yes, i shall do what i must--as your intentions. hey, if i do that... will i be happy?"). counterphobic 6s are the ones who defy authority -and even then, they are still dependent on others and scared of being left alone, tho, just in a different way-. that's not the case with phobic 6s. they seek guidance and support from these outside authorities and even admire and romanticize those who seem surer of themselves ("ah, i am not blaming you. i was just innocently admiring. it is impossible for me. i cannot live like you. without any moral support, i crumble away"). his whole conversation with himeru through the phone is his phobic 6w7 in all its splendour... and how he lies to himeru, trying not to be abandoned by him, is his 6 acting under stress--clearly taking characteristics of a 3 and putting a facade just to avoid being discarded. it's not rare for 6s to deceive others in order to escape punishment or abandonment. they think that they may be able to, for example, do the work they have claimed to have done, if they can placate others long enough. that's what kaname does when he reports to himeru that everything is going as he intended when kaname cannot actually mantain things under control. but as himeru says, kaname lied to him so his brother would not leave him alone for being incompetent. and you know how it ends... all translations by @hiiairabu on twt btw


Referring to the 'original' HiMERU who was affiliated with the corrupt partition of Cosmic Production, 'original' HiMERU is mostly known for being a former top idol in Reimei Academy contested against Kazehaya Tatsumi. 'Original' Himeru was described as "pure" and naïve person by 'ore'-Himeru, which lead him to trusting Kazehaya Tatsumi enough to reveal his identity as "Toujou Kaname". This idealistic and trusting trait also acted as a fatal flaw to 'original' Himeru in the Reimei Revolution, resulting in his dependence to Kazehaya Tatsumi's agenda and, when Reimei students were angered by their teaming up and redirected their anger at the status quo in Reimei toward 'original' HiMERU, his hospitalization.

Gaming Characters Similar to Kaname Toujou
