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Toshiyuki Morikawa MBTI Personality Type

Toshiyuki Morikawa MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Toshiyuki Morikawa? Toshiyuki Morikawa is an INFJ personality type in MBTI, 5w4 - so/sp - in Enneagram, RCOAI in Big 5, IEI in Socionics.


Toshiyuki Morikawa (森川 智之, Morikawa Toshiyuki, born January 26, 1967) is a Japanese voice actor, narrator and singer who is the head of Axlone, a voice acting company he founded in April 2011. In 2003, he and Fumihiko Tachiki formed the band "2Hearts", one of their works being the ending theme of the video game Dynasty Warriors 4: Empires. He has voiced many characters in anime and video games, including Yoshikage Kira in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond Is Unbreakable, Kengo Akechi in Kindaichi Case Files, Sephiroth in the Final Fantasy series and Kingdom Hearts series, Dante in Devil May Cry, Isshin Kurosaki in Bleach, Minato Namikaze in Naruto: Shippuden, both Eneru and Hatchan in One Piece, Tyki Mikk in D.Gray-man, Naraku in InuYasha, Griffith in the 1997 series of Berserk, and the main and titular character of Tekkaman Blade. Because of his deep voice, he is often cast as imposing characters.
