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Irene Winters MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Irene Winters? Irene Winters is an INTJ personality type in MBTI, 5w6 - sp/sx - in Enneagram, in Big 5, in Socionics.

spoiler alerts! up to the burning page. i think she's INTJ. i'll break it down by functions and explain, quoting the book so it will include spoilers up to tbp bc that's how far i got. ni - seems future oriented. figures out what is actually going on pretty quickly, like when she figured out who was responsible for kai's kidnapping in tmc or when she found out what zayanna is doing and why it couldn't be done by lady guantes. can figure out the opponent's next move and what they would want her to do and the effects of it (like when she fought alberich in tbp, she constantly analysed what the move she wants to make would cause, what alberich would respond with). she is always planning ahead and considering the possibilities. can read between the lines and realize what someone actually meant. te - has been said that she plans ahead. she used to like to plan everything in detail but circumstances didn't allow that (could also have to do with a ni-fi loop, which i will get into). however, she still plans ahead as i have stated. she tries as much as possible to make a rough plan and tries to follow it, however due to external forces it mostly doesn't work. she is constantly considering what would be a good next move and what would make her win. she likes everything neat and predictable, however ends up quite disorganised. a good leader and stubborn after making a decision. ter fi - i've noticed a ni-fi loop a couple of times. she tends to get very emotional under stress and lets her feelings guide her, which she wouldn't normally do. she is able to get out of loops mostly, but gets into them often. it doesn't have to be a loop actually, just turning to fi under stress. but she does let her emotions guide her under stress and becomes overly emotional and nice to others (like with zayanna in tmc/tbp).


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