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Sojiro Seta tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Sojiro Seta? Sojiro Seta es un tipo de personalidad INFP en mbti, 4w5 - sx/sp - 471 en enneagram, en Big 5, en Socionics."

This man is 100% a type 4. Sojiro went through a lot but as a 4w3, he wants his family to care and he wants to do well but the treat him like he's nothing. He only reaches a breaking point when they try to kill him and then he acts out of self defense. This troubles him to the point of putting a mask up and pushing down his past. He has shishio to look up to now, someone to idolize (very 4) and he's his best to please him (wanting to be the strongest but that is someone else's ideal, he is a 4w3 because he wants to please him and be special.) But the real part that shows 4, is when Sojiro immediately leaves Shishio once his ideals change. once Sojiro thinks for himself, he changes loyalties. once Sojiro realizes that he doesn't understand Kenshins way of thinking, he immediately stops to figure it out. he needs to figure it out because he needs to find the truth. He's the most type 4 I've seen in media.


Sojiro Seta is a prodigy swordsman and member of Juppongatana. His main skill is his speed that could rival Kenshin Himura's. Sojiro was suffering from an abusive family before Shishio taking him as a mentor and parental figure.

Anime e mangá caracteres semelhantes a Sojiro Seta
