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Ignis Scientia tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Ignis Scientia? Ignis Scientia es un tipo de personalidad ISTJ en mbti, 6w5 - so/sp - 612 en enneagram, RCOAI en Big 5, LSI en Socionics."

while i don’t have crystal clear memory of everything i’ll use here, i’m gonna try to reason on so6 with one singular line (that kinda fits his entire character.) spoilers ofc. so, in the second verse of his character episode, he states that he’d rather die than be without noctis. this single-handedly made me think so6, as throughout the game, it’s clear he operates much better under a hierarchy to act for, and in this case, it’s noctis. so6 clings to an authority, so this line alone seems so6ish to me. now, onto si: once again, i think his si can be seen with a singular convo. gladio: “iggy likes his world to be crystal clear.” ignis: “yes, i dislike ambiguity in my world.” (i think it was a bit different than this but i don't care enough to go check. it’s on the way to the disk) si is very realistic as compared to ni, and dislikes it when things aren’t realistic or don’t line up with what their personal beliefs, i think. si is also very focused on what things mean to them, so i think it can also be seen with how ignis treats his job as a retainer for noctis.


Noctis's advisor and consultant who grew up with him and received a special education for gifted children.

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