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Ryan Erzahler tipo de personalidade mbti

Ryan Erzahler tipo de personalidade mbti image


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Ryan Erzahler? Ryan Erzahler es un tipo de personalidad ISTJ en mbti, 6w5 - so/sp - 693 en enneagram, RCOEN en Big 5, SLI en Socionics."

I’m gonna go agains the grain and say he’s an ISTJ. Nothing about him is really Ti-Ne. He’s always trying to consider what the smartest thing to do is based on what others tell him which is clear value of external logic. He relies very heavily on what other people think and then tries to input that into his decision making. I would also say that his Si is pretty relevant in the way he sees things. Unlike Dylan, Ryan is always trying to come to the most reasonable conclusion based on past impressions that he’s had. He very clearly knows how something should be and tries to hold that idea close. - when he thought their camp counselors secret room might just be surveillance for their own good - hypothesizing that the monster was a bear and not really anything else This is why Dylan and Ryan get into some funny arguments with each other


Most won't 'get' whatever's coming through his headphones, but Ryan lives for connection, even if he does lean into the whole brooding, handsome loner thing. Beneath the reclusive persona is the heart of a hero, determined to prove himself to those he cares about.
