1. Gente y Personajes
  2. Televisão
  3. Liv & Maddie (2013)

Holden Dippledorf tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Holden Dippledorf? Holden Dippledorf es un tipo de personalidad INFP en mbti, 4w5 - - en enneagram, en Big 5, en Socionics."

I think Holden's an INFP. He was pretty calm, and I see a lot of dominant Fi, especially with how he was always authentic to his true emotions to the point where he's an awful liar (''I couldn't lie...I have feelings for someone else''). He literally cannot hide his true feelings even if he's on TV. He has some moments of being quirky (aux Ne) and comes up with elaborate and novel date plans whether that's taking Andie to a picnic under the stars or a interesting planned date for Liv (Fi/Ne) but also quickly improvises and gets Liv a pizza instead (Ne). He's really aware of what he's feeling and often tells Liv in depth over them (''I wanna be your guy'', ''I wasn't acting''). His feelings are always intense and strong (waiting for Liv, the whole situation with Liv being a celebrity) and he's sensitive to others (worried that Andie will hate them forever when she finds out that Liv liked him all along). Si also with him holding close the memory he has with Liv when they're in third grade, his memory is painted with emotional resonance and connection which reminds me of Fi and Si working together. Josh is an ENFP and there's a difference absolutely in which functions come first. Also a 4: Huge romantic, willing to wait for Liv, that's very deep and almost melancholic in a 4 way. He expresses through music, especially with the piano. Adds more authenticity to his emotions, he can't not feel them or pull them aside. He's pretty much to himself and his clothing style is always unique and interesting. Wants his love with Liv to be his everything, romantic idealist. Interesting that he and Liv fill in the popular coupling idea of ENFJ/INFP. I actually think Liv and Holden are a great example of the beauty the two types can have in a relationship. She's more warm and outgoing and he's more calm and gentle. I think they both really have an awesome dynamic.

