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Killia tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Killia? Killia es un tipo de personalidad ISTP en mbti, 8w7 - - en enneagram, en Big 5, SLI en Socionics."

Hard introvert. Very grounded and straight forward. Thoughts over feelings. Quite impulsive and quick to the draw in a pinch. (This counts for his random appetite) He's a chilled out 8w7 (due to [spoilers] ), but that is 100% still in his body.


He is a young demon who harbours power that rivals an Overlord's. Due to events in his past, he has a personal grudge against Void Dark and sets out travelling across various Netherworlds to get his revenge. Cold and aloof, he avoids teamwork and making friends. He has a high calorie intake and will eat a meal whenever and wherever the opportunity arises.
