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Kamaru Usman tipo de personalidade mbti

Kamaru Usman tipo de personalidade mbti image


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Kamaru Usman? Kamaru Usman es un tipo de personalidad ISTJ en mbti, 3w4 - so/sp - 963 en enneagram, en Big 5, ESI en Socionics."

I see Si, Te, and Fi. He is really proud of his Nigerian heritage and constantly upholds traditions and talks about it a LOT. Look at his interview with Hot Ones and you'll see that he constantly mentions Nigeria, what they are about, and what it means to him. To me, this shows strong Si-Fi. His Te is pretty prevalent, dude is pretty objective and his ability to keep his composure while sticking to his gameplan is uncanny. His ability to keep his emotions in check in high pressure situations also seems to be a good indicator of Te>Fi. His Fi can be also be supported by his story of accepting his Nigerian heritage and building his identity to accept his name as Kamaru rather than Marty to fit in with his colleagues. Lastly, I think this guy might genuinely be Fe blind. His ability to match the feelings of the people around him is questionable at best and is probably the reason why many have found him cringey in his post fight interviews especially when he talked about "only using 30%" to try to look hard and tough, but came off looking incredibly cringey and meme worthy.


Kamarudeen Usman (born May 11, 1987) is a Nigerian American mixed martial artist who competes in the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC)

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