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Enneagram Subtype 2w1 type de personnalité MBTI

Enneagram Subtype 2w1 type de personnalité MBTI image


"Quel type de personnalité est Enneagram Subtype 2w1? Enneagram Subtype 2w1 est un type de personnalité ISFJ dans MBTI, 2w1 - so/sp - 216 dans Enneagram, SCOAN dans Big 5, EIE dans Socionics."

Statistics are based on a sample size of 8000 profiles in pdb. Percentage represent the proportion of that type being type 2w1. ESTJ - 0.12% ESFJ - 19.15% ISTJ - 0.11% ISFJ - 21.38% ENTP - 0.09% ENFP - 1.82% INTP - 0.15% INFP - 2.67% ESTP - <0.01% ESFP - 0.56% ISTP - 0.03% ISFP - 1.98% ENTJ - 0.03% ENFJ - 15.27% INTJ - 0.10% INFJ - 7.86% Big Five Left Percentage represent the proportion 2w1 types having that big five while the right percentage represent the proportion of all of the enneagram types having that big five Social - 61.02% : 52.22% Calm - 63.40% : 52.63% Organized - 83.08% : 50.43% Agreeable - 98.62% : 52.10% Inquisitive - 55.07% : 62.66% scO|A|n


THE TWO WITH A ONE-WING: THE SERVANT Healthy people of this subtype combine warmth with seriousness of purpose, as they strive after personal goodness and selfless service. The combination of the morality of the One and the empathy of the Two lead to a strong desire to relieve human suffering. These people are often Good Samaritans, willing to take on thankless and unglamorous tasks that others generally avoid. They are more serious-minded than the 2w3, more overt caretakers, often found in teaching, public service, healing professions, the ministry, and working with the disenfranchised or the physically or mentally challenged. Average people of this subtype feel obligated to struggle against their "selfish" attitudes and feelings: they feel responsible for others welfare and are typically dutiful, proper, and severe with themselves. They are emotional but tend to be strained in their emotional expressions because they feel awkward about drawing attention to themselves They prefer working in the background, yet they want to feel significant in others' lives. Twos with a One-wing feel conflicts between their emotional needs and their principles, often leading them involved in moral or religious teachings. They can become extremely self-critical and neglectful of their health, denying their personal needs and tending to play the martyr.
