1. Personnes et Personnages
  2. Films
  3. The Departed (2006)

Sgt. Sean Dignam type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Sgt. Sean Dignam? Sgt. Sean Dignam est un type de personnalité ESTP dans MBTI, 8w7 - sx/so - 863 dans Enneagram, SLOEN dans Big 5, SLE dans Socionics."

ESTP is actually a pretty good fit. I didn’t catch it the first time around; my initial typing was ESTJ. Dignam has what psychologist Theodore Millon calls a Sadistic personality style (a typical mode of behavior, but not a full-blown disorder). For those of you unfamiliar with this, here’s a link: http://www.millonpersonality.com/theory/diagnostic-taxonomy/sadistic.htm The Sadistic personality style is not common in ESTPs. According to IDRLabs, who use the Millon types as an overlay to Jungian type, it is more common in Te dominant types, especially in ESTJs. The behavior typical of the style fits better with Te's need to assert control within an objective hierarchical structure, or to make sure that that structure is being enforced despite the needs and feelings of a particular individual or individuals. The problem is that for Dignam, his behavior does not go hand-in-hand with Te cognition; that is, his aim is not to maintain control within an established system. In his first scene with Costigan, for example, he is actually doing something different: trying to prove that Costigan does not fit his (and Queenan’s) subjective, universalized idea of what a normal police officer is (indicative of Ti), and that Costigan is therefore not currently in his ideal role within the force. Whereas Te thinks of a person’s utility more straightforwardly, in terms of their ability to accomplish a task, Fe thinks of a person’s utility in terms of their ability to fit into an ideal social role. So, in essence, it is Dignam's Ti/Fe axis, rather than Te, that is 'stepping on the throat' of Fi. You would also be hard-pressed to convince me that Dignam is introverted (ISTP). Simply put, he is quicker on the draw than any of the other characters with zingers and one-liners, and he seems to relish this verbal combat more than anyone else.


