Billy Loomer type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Billy Loomer? Billy Loomer est un type de personnalité ESTP dans MBTI, 8w7 - sx/sp - 684 dans Enneagram, RLUEN dans Big 5, SEE dans Socionics."

Is Loomer being typed as core 8 because he's a bully? The amount of times he showed he's not himself without his group, he feels safe in his group and seeks constant validation from his group. He easily seeks or accepts help from Ned or Cookie whenever he has a problem. He recours to others to feel safe. He hates authority and goes against it, but when some higher figure confronts him he fears them (e.g. Crubbs). He was even afraid of Suzie when he dated her (since she's very bossy and controlling), she said herself that he was being a suck up by doing everything she says. I believe sexual 6 fits way better than core 8, but he has a 8 fix. "Sexual Sixes have a need not just for strength but for intimidation. As Naranjo suggests, this expression of intimidation is very much the essence of the character; if they appear strong, they won't be attacked. [...] The Sexual Six can look like a Type Eight because both types can appear intimidating, strong, and powerful. However, in contrast to the Eight, who tends to be fearless, the Sexual Six is motivated by an underlying fear, even when they don't consciously feel it or show it. Also, while Eights like to create order, Sexual Sixes often like to disrupt order by stirring up trouble."


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