Dickson type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Dickson? Dickson est un type de personnalité ESTP dans MBTI, 8w7 - sx/so - 873 dans Enneagram, SLUEN dans Big 5, SLE dans Socionics."

I think Dickson is more SCUEI than SLUEN. He is usually pretty calm (when he is defeat, his reaction is to smoke a last cig, saying the pupil surpassed the master), confident and curious (his artistry and emotionnality are low, but he is pretty much adventurous and daring). Neurocticism : Anxiety: 1/5 Anger: 2/5 Depression: 1/5 Self-consciousness: 1/5 Immoderation: 4/5 Vulnerability: 1/5 83% calm, 17% limbic Open-mindness : Imagination: 3/5 Artistic interests: 2/5 Emotionality: 1/5 Adventurousness: 5/5 Intellect: 5/5 Liberalism: 3/5 54% inquisitive, 46% Non-Curious However, I'm surprised his alignment is not chaotic evil. Dickson is as bad as Mumkhar, but unlike him, whe know for sure Dickson wasn't brainwashed (Mumkhar was a coward at the beginning of the story and lusted for the Monado but not necessarily to the point of killing innocent people, he isn't either the only facia whose personality changed because of the transformation. Yet, he definitely is chaotic evil).


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