Data type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Data? Data est un type de personnalité INTP dans MBTI, 5w6 - so/sp - 529 dans Enneagram, RCOAI dans Big 5, LII dans Socionics."

(1/2) Ti-Si loop arguments are fine, but I don't like typing by "loops" so this is more for people who are in contention with that concept. Even if he "loops" it's not consistent. His Ne is great. He's constantly trying new methods, innovating his process, testing, experimenting, curious & inquisitive despite lacking (normal human) emotions. constantly striving towards inferior-Fe, general goals rather than specific goal-posts, etc. You know what's funny... Data's Fe is essentially perfect on a pure level of technicality. He pulls directly from his culmination of human knowledge, yet this is all based on a previously working (Si) objective (by MBTI) standard of normative ethics (Fe). Essentially, in 2023 terms, Data read every Wikipedia article on socializing and ethics, yet attempts to apply it in his own subjective (by MBTI) way using Ti-Ne & Ti-Si. He constantly tries to apply purely logical and rational methods to socializing by human standards pulling from his intrinsic knowledge of humanity, yet changes his methods from each and every interaction, constantly innovating, constantly learning, trying new procedures, delving into "logical novelty", and attempting to apply Ti-Ne logical (inter)subjectivity to each individual scenario via his own analysis of retained objective-empirical data (Ti-Si and Si-Fe). I think some people will vote Si-Te because he values "evidence" and "empirical data" which you have to know, is only an inclination not a truly prescriptive standard of cognitive functions. INTP can & definitely does to some degree value/use these mediums. Being a Ti-user does not make you some hyper-skeptic conspiracy theorist, Ti often tries to fit into, innovate for, and creating new systems that could eventually be thought of as Te. Empirical data in itself is one thing, but (inter)subjective analysis of said data using logic, reason, and rationality is VERY Ti. Honestly, I wouldn't doubt INTP have some sort of inclination toward giving logical analyzes of empirical data itself (Ti-Si) & giving innovation, new uses, and applying towards new systems (Ti-Ne). Ti (especially Ti/Fe) is not the denier of empiricism, Ti is a judging function as in making decisions. Ti is much better described as the middle ground between empiricism and rationalism (Kantian?). Jung described Te as empirical but he didn't exactly describe Ti as "anti-empirical." I'm also not sure what Jung knew of "fictional sci-fi androids application of human cognitive functions" lol. If anything this is closer to an inclination for a thinking preference rather than Ti versus Te (not that feelers are deniers of empiricism but may be more willing to "look past" and try to "beat the odds"). He even politely criticizes Worf's longing beliefs of Klingon spirituality and mysticism. He has seen beings such as The Q that completely defy any known Te, updating his internal logical system to match. If you want to talk about the scientific method then do realize that despite being empirical it still uses both deductive & inductive reasoning within it (calling Te solely inductive and Ti solely deductive is reductive, also Data uses deductive more regardless), conceding to at least some level of intersubjective (or transubjective) analysis within objectively existing physical data. Giving logical meaning to data versus the data as it exists. Also cognitive extroversion's "the object itself" versus cognitive introversions's "subjective impression of the object." Not that INTP can't be assertive or a leader (Data is acting captain in an episode) but Data is very much an advisor & logical consultant to Picard. Picard will go "Data, options!" and guess what? Data gives options (Ti-Ne) often many, with varying degrees of probability, possible ways to implement them, delves into theories, and will rant on overanalyzing the metrics he is pulling from (Ti-Si) only to be politely hushed by a member of the crew (usually the very stark Ni-Te Picard who just wants one answer). Example of Ti-Ne, Ti-Si, and Fe within 18 seconds of dialogue: He seeks to be useful in a group as another user mentioned, yet is not afraid of asserting his unique ideas into the mix (Ti-Ne), oftentimes not understanding how his crewmembers will react in practice as opposed to reading from Fe on a level of what has occurred previously (Ti-Si) or in theory). He is more conscientious due to lacking emotions (as another user said 0% neuroticism), Ti's precision, Si helping ground Ne, and Fe's sense of a group/teamworking setting. Again, people with a P preference (first observing function extroverted) can be conscientious as well, it's just less common than a J preference being so (first judging function extroverted). Also, 5w6 over 5w4, and 2-fix in the tritype.


"I will continue learning, growing, and trying to become more than what I am."

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