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Du Fu (Tu Fu) type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Du Fu (Tu Fu)? Du Fu (Tu Fu) est un type de personnalité INFP dans MBTI, 4w5 - so/sp - 416 dans Enneagram, RLOAI dans Big 5, EII dans Socionics."

纵观杜甫的所有为官经历,可以把阳面的Fe和Ti完全排除。另外,杜甫是Fi-Te轴使用者。新唐书记载:甫放旷不自检,好论天下大事,高而不切也。性褊躁,无器度,恃恩放恣。杜甫与严武曾在四川度过较为愉快的朋友时光,但在严武回任四川后对其作风不满;另外,自己也想直接做较大的官,不想做小官。杜甫能量向内,他从洛阳开始直到草堂所经历的这段颠沛流离的路程里,花了很多时间写诗,记录自己的沿路遭遇,由自己的境遇反应当时的社会环境;他以诗来祈求他人给米,并记录自己在故友陪伴下选住处。杜甫对自己的仕途抱有长期幻想,这种幻想并非基于Ni。杜甫是一位INFP的可能性最大。写在最后,关注社会的INFP人士很多。 24.4.13补:今天偶然听到友人一句话:‘恻隐之心,人皆有之’。尽管恻隐之心不一定真的人皆有之,但这句话仍然好极了。机缘巧合感慨一下,与第一段表达的主要内容无关。 24.7.11补:杜甫Ne过程参考:“北极朝廷终不改”(《登楼》);《月夜》一整首,想象妻子的样子;“野哭千家闻战伐,夷歌数处起渔樵。卧龙跃马终黄土,人事音书漫寂寥。”(《阁夜》),在百姓哀怨时想到诸葛亮和公孙述之死;“新鬼烦冤旧鬼哭,天阴雨湿声啾啾”(《兵车行》);“独留青冢向黄昏”“环珮空归夜月魂”(《咏怀古迹》);“三分割据纡筹策,万古云霄一羽毛。”(《咏怀古迹》),诸葛亮为神鸟;“昆明池水汉时功,武帝旌旗在眼中。织女机丝虚夜月,石鲸鳞甲动秋风。”(《秋兴八首其七》)。etc.


Du Fu (Wade–Giles: Tu Fu; Chinese: 杜甫; 712–770) was a Chinese poet and politician of the Tang dynasty. Along with his elder contemporary and friend Li Bai (Li Po), he is frequently called the greatest of the Chinese poets. His greatest ambition was to serve his country as a successful civil servant, but he proved unable to make the necessary accommodations. His life, like the whole country, was devastated by the An Lushan Rebellion of 755, and his last 15 years were a time of almost constant unrest. Some of his poems are featured on the famous historical novel the Romance of the Three Kingdoms.
