Du Fu (Tu Fu) MBTI性格类型


"Du Fu (Tu Fu)是什么人格? Du Fu (Tu Fu)是MBTI中的INFJ人格类型,九型中的4w5 - - 416,五大类型中的RLOAI,Socionics中EII类型。"



Du Fu (Wade–Giles: Tu Fu; Chinese: 杜甫; 712–770) was a Chinese poet and politician of the Tang dynasty. Along with his elder contemporary and friend Li Bai (Li Po), he is frequently called the greatest of the Chinese poets. His greatest ambition was to serve his country as a successful civil servant, but he proved unable to make the necessary accommodations. His life, like the whole country, was devastated by the An Lushan Rebellion of 755, and his last 15 years were a time of almost constant unrest. Some of his poems are featured on the famous historical novel the Romance of the Three Kingdoms.
