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Earth tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è Earth? Earth è un tipo di personalità ISFJ in mbti, 2w1 - so/sp - 261 in enneagram, SCOAN in big 5, SEI in socionics."

ISFJ because people take advantage of it and it always apologizes and will never learn to fight back


Mostly considered an insignificant little blue planet that despite its status holds extreme significance for some carbon-based lifeforms. More seriously, Earth is the 6th most massive solar system object, the largest of the Rocky planets, and the most dense object. It is one of two worlds (or possibly three, with supersalty water on Mars) with liquids on the surface, forming rivers, lakes, and such (The other is Saturn's moon Titan, with methane and ethane as the surface liquids), the only one with life (that we know of), and the only one with plate tectonics. The atmosphere is unique in having a large proportion as free oxygen, which in addition to supporting most life, changes the structure in a number of subtle ways compared to other planets. Earth also generates a magnetic field, unlike Venus and Mars, that is much stronger than that of Mercury but weaker than that of the gas giants. Our world used to have a similar atmosphere with its "twin" Venus, but lost it in the giant impact event.
