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Moon tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è Moon? Moon è un tipo di personalità INFJ in mbti, 9w1 - sp/sx - 946 in enneagram, RCOAI in big 5, IEI in socionics."

Light of the Moon - Fishing One aspect that many anglers consider with regard to the moon and its effect on fishing is the light showered by the moon on the waters. Many anglers believe that the moon’s brightness can affect the feeding behavior of certain fish species. For instance, many anglers have noticed that certain fish like billfish and mahi-mahi like to feed when the moon shines brightly. The same observation has been made of marlins. As a result, fishing for these fish species during daytime can lead to rather poor results, so maybe putting down your saltwater fishing rod may be considered. This is attributed to the idea that since the fish have been voraciously feeding during the bright night, they would be resting during daytime. They would be less aggressive and less hungry as well, making them hesitant to take your bait. But then, there are also some fish species which do not exhibit the same behavior. These includes tuna and swordfish, which prefer to swim into the deeper parts of the water in order to avoid the bright moonlight.


Our nearest neighbor, and the only celestial body beyond Earth that has been explored by humans in person (allegedly). It is theorized that the Moon is the left over debris from a giant impact event with a proto-Earth and a Mars' sized object called Theia. Another theory holds that both Theia and the proto-Earth were completely destroyed by the impact, then the debris coalesced to form Earth and the Moon. Or even that they collided twice before ending up in their current forms. The Moon is a very unusual object (while not the largest moon in the solar system, relative to the size of its planet it's enormous) and the high angular momentum of the Earth-Moon system is even more unusual, and dramatic events were needed to bring it into existence. It's also Tidal Locked, which means it's in a synchronous rotation with Earth, such that the same face is always pointing towards the Earth at all times. This is not as remarkable or unusual as it may appear.
