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Black Hole tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è Black Hole? Black Hole è un tipo di personalità INTJ in mbti, 8w7 - sx/sp - 873 in enneagram, RLOEI in big 5, SLE in socionics."

As CynicalOptimist and another user said in the comment below, Black holes are perceiver dominants who feed on matter and turn it into one form instead of breaking it down into multiple forms (Pi vs Pe). The true ENTP would be the inverse of a Black hole, the White hole. The White hole releases previously existing matter from a certain point that can't be approached and it emits clear light signals, compared to a Black hole which absorbs matter and turns it into a more unknown form which doesn't emit much light. The only way to detect a Black hole is to observe the effects it exerts on its surroundings (such as light lensing and time dillation), which points more towards Te rather than Ti. Black holes might be unusually dense for their size, but it is still easier to depict them as infinitesimal force bubbles rather than tangible objects (Ni-Se vs Ne-Si). Black holes also don't seem to return any information back and they have an uncertain future, but their existence is easier to factually confirm than that of White holes (Ni-Te + Se Inf). Meanwhile, White holes release their information to the outside, but finding concrete proof for their existence is much more difficult because they have an uncertain past (Ne-Ti + Si Inf).


Celestial bodies that are so nigh-infinitely dense that objects close enough to them, even if travelling at the speed of light, cannot escape their gravity.
