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  2. Videogiochi
  3. Final Fantasy VI

Cyan Garamonde tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è Cyan Garamonde? Cyan Garamonde è un tipo di personalità ISTJ in mbti, 6w5 - sp/so - 694 in enneagram, in big 5, ESI in socionics."

Cyan is an ISTJ. His Si shows in not only his actions, but the way he talks as well. He talks in an almost Shakespearean fashion, using words like 'thou' and 'thy.' But his Si isn't only in his speech, he doesn't do well with new developments in technology, as shown in the ending scenes where they display the characters escaping Kefka's Tower. He is also going through a Si-Fi loop (more loops, yay.) He finds it hard to let go of his family being poisoned by Kefka (and rightfully so.) Again, because he's stuck in a loop, he doesn't grasp his Te as much. (I'm not even joking, almost every single character in this game is in a loop.)


A samurai of Doma, Cyan is a staunch traditionalist who rejects modern technology. Though he defended his kingdom well, he could do nothing to save them when Kefka poisoned their water supply, wiping out the entire populace including Cyan's wife and son. Cyan joins the Returners and dedicates himself to destroying the Empire. He spends most of the game wracked with survivor's guilt and shame for not being able to protect Doma, believing he has dishonored himself and lost his reason to live.

Videogiochi caratteri simili a Cyan Garamonde
