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  2. Videogiochi
  3. Final Fantasy VI

Terra Branford tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è Terra Branford? Terra Branford è un tipo di personalità INFP in mbti, 9w1 - sp/so - 964 in enneagram, RLUAI in big 5, EII in socionics."

【 Terra's Big 5 】 Friendliness: 4/5 Gregariousness: 2/5 Assertiveness: 2/5 Activity level: 3/5 Excitement-Seeking: 2/5 Cheerfulness: 1/5 Reserved > Social (2.33-1)/0.04 = 33% ---------------------------------- Anxiety: 3/5 Anger: 1/5 Depression: 3/5 Self-consciousness: 3/5 Immoderation: 2/5 Vulnerability: 4/5 Limbic < Calm (2.67-1)/0.04 = 42% ---------------------------------- Self-Efficacy: 2/5 Orderliness: 2/5 Dutifulness: 2/5 Achievement -Striving: 1/5 Self-discipline: 3/5 Cautiousness: 1/3 Organized < Unorganized (1.83-1)/0.04 = 21% ---------------------------------- Trust: 4/5 Morality: 3/5 Altruism: 4/5 Cooperation: 3/5 Modesty: 4/5 Sympathy: 4/5 Ego-driven < Accommodating (3.67-1)/0.04 = 67% ---------------------------------- Imagination: 4/5 Artistic interests: 4/5 Emotionality: 5/5 Adventurousness: 2/5 Intellect: 4/5 Liberalism: 2/5 Inquisitive > Non-Curious (3.5-1)/0.04 = 62%


Widely considered The Protagonist of the game, or at least of its first half, and the primary representative for VI in crossover and spin-off titles. Terra is introduced as an amnesiac young woman with no clue who she is; all she knows is her name, she can use magic, she was being mind-controlled by the Empire, and she has some strange connection to a frozen esper in Narshe. Unwilling to return to the Empire, Terra seeks refuge with the Returners and reluctantly joins their rebellion. She eventually discovers she is the child of an esper and a human, which is where her magic comes from. After learning this, she is able to temporarily transform into an esper to enhance her magical potential, and her connection to the espers makes her a focal point of the Returners' plans. However, even as she aids them Terra comes to detest the war, believing that people only want power to hurt others, and she fears and hates her own abilities because they alienate and condemn her as a tool of destruction

Videogiochi caratteri simili a Terra Branford
