Pyrrha Nikos MBTI 성격 유형


"Pyrrha Nikos은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Pyrrha Nikos은 mbti의 ESFJ 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 2w1 - - , big 5의 , socionics의 입니다."


A red-haired student with a long ponytail and bright green eyes. She wielded Miló, a javelin that could transform into a rifle or a xiphos sword, and a shield called Akoúo̱. Her Semblance is "Polarity", which is the ability to manipulate objects with magnetism.Vol. 1, Ch. 14 Due to her many achievements, Pyrrha has earned a reputation that makes forming relationships with others difficult because others often assume she is "too good for them". As such when Jaune treats her normally, she chooses him as her partner during the initiation and becomes attracted to him.Vol. 1, Ch. 5 & Vol. 2, Ch. 6–7 Pyrrha was chosen by Ozpin as the next Fall Maiden which she initially hesitated to except,Vol. 3, Ch. 6 & 8 but decides to go through with it, but Cinder kills Amber and takes the full power for herself. After confessing her feelings to Jaune, Pyrrha faces Cinder alone but is killed.Vol. 3, Ch. 12. After the fall of Beacon, a memorial statue of Pyrrha was made in her honor in Argus.Vol. 6, Ch. 9 Monty Oum stated that Pyrrha was given her name for her red hair,[17] and her full name is a reference to a Pyrrhic victory.[18] She also alludes to Achilles from Homer's The Iliad.

만화 Pyrrha Nikos과 유사한 문자
