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Jazz tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é Jazz? Jazz é um tipo de personalidade ENTP em mbti, 5w4 - - 549 em enneagram, SCUEI em Big 5, ILE em sociônicos."

Different subgenres and ways of thought to jazz can lead to different 'types' for the music. So this is of course my way to summarize jazz and thus my opinion. First of all, jazz for me means Ti and Fe. The combination between understanding the music on a deep, (theoretical) level whilst seeing that everyone does so differently is so abundantly Ti for me. There are obvious rules and conventions but it's ultimately about how YOU make sense of it. And while it is a very individual process, it is imperative that you listen very closely to the music, your bandmates in order to make them sound good while you're playing, to be influenced by what people around you exude; Fe to me. Jazz is a social music, influenced by the coming together of people in places (Minton's Playhouse, anyone?). Combining the deep personal understanding of a complicated music and being able to make it sound good by a social process is what jazz is all about to me. I'm also putting these as the middle functions as it basically about switching between those two functions and using them in a balanced way. Which leaves us with ExTP and IxFJ. I think the 4 of those are all good options and represent different ideologies on jazz. Whereas ISFJ might favour keeping tradition and not forgetting about the old masters (proponents of swing and bebop) and ENTP might favour the constant conquest for the novel and exciting for the sake of innovation (lots of free or 'contemporary' jazz), INFJ might hint that jazz is ultimately about achieveing something simply more than expression (Coltrane's spiritual route, Bill Evans' views on what to express in music and what goal it serves). And ESTP for jazz; the expression and experience of the music is ultimately holy; there needs to be no goal as there can't possibly be words to describe music of such nature (Reminding me of Charlie Parker; a smart genius who was smart enough not to try to put jazz in words but to let the music speak for itself. "Music is your own experience, your own thoughts, your wisdom. If you don't live it, it won't come out of your horn. They teach you there's a boundary line to music. But, man, there's no boundary line to art." - Charlie Parker.) All in all, I'm choosing ENTP since I think jazz was never about preservation or a goal but ultimately that it is about the creation of ideas. Ideas which can blossom into compositions, improvisation by the help of personal knowledge about music (Ti), paying attention to what other people have are doing and have done (Fe and Si). ESTP's Se might even fit better but the combination of Ne Si is perfect to me since there is this constant battle for new ideas against the continuation of tradition (Ne vs Si). And for me jazz is not to be preserved in a museum but it's most importantly about innovation. As I'm a jazz musician and lover myself and an ENTP, it might be obvious that I'd choose this, but again; my opinion.


At its heart, jazz is about spontaneity. That usually means improvising solos, the art of playing (to a greater or lesser extent) without written-out, arranged parts and being free to play whatever you like over a chord progression, sometimes without even confines of traditional music structure (which is what Free Jazz is all about). Jazz started out in the United States in the beginning of the 20th century as 'black music' and is closely related to Blues, to the extent that many famous jazz compositions can be considered Blues pieces. Since then, there have been different forms of jazz, listed roughly in historical order: New Orleans/Dixieland, Swing/Big Band, Bebop, Cool, Modal, Avant-Garde, Free Jazz, jazz-rock Fusion, Nu Jazz... and this is a very incomplete list.
