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K-pop tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é K-pop? K-pop é um tipo de personalidade ESFP em mbti, 3w2 - sx/so - 379 em enneagram, SLOAN em Big 5, ESE em sociônicos."

Kpop is more about visual and auditory appeal. Sure, there are kpop songs that are deep and impart profound messages, but those songs are overwhelmingly low in quantity in comparison to the songs that are about romance and being pretty and whatever Disney-like theme they got going on. The lyrics overall don't matter as much as the sound and dancing in kpop, especially when the Korean government uses Kpop as a tool to profit off of foreigners (or so I've heard). Anyway, Kpop is more so extroverted sensing in that regard. Introverted feeling is about artistic expression, which is ironic since Kpop is more so manufactured than it is authentic. However, despite it being manufactured, the act of singing and dancing is still a form of artful expression. Perhaps not by the performers themselves, but rather the performers are the envoys of the artists' creativity to the audience. Unless, of course, the performers are the artists themselves, then they're the ones who are their own envoys. Extroverted thinking is about efficiency and getting the job done. I think it's clear that Kpop wants to accomplish putting up a stunning performance each and every time. As a result, Kpop is ESFP.


Korean pop music (known in the West as K-pop) is an umbrella term for pop music originating from South Korea, usually similar in genre to pop in the United States. However, the material performed/produced by K-Pop artists covers a wide variety of genres, from EDM-inspired music to rock to softer ballads, and everything in between. Usually known outside the country for the numerous Idol Singers and idol Boy Bands and Girl Groups in the industry. K-pop and other Korean based entertainment such as Korean Dramas first became very popular throughout Asia in the 2000s, in a phenomenon that has been nicknamed the "Hallyu" or "Korean Wave". Like many things in South Korea, the talent agencies managing the singers are mostly based in Seoul.
