1. Pessoas e Personagens
  2. Literatura
  3. Steppenwolf

Harry Haller tipo de personalidade mbti

Harry Haller tipo de personalidade mbti image


"Que tipo de personalidade é Harry Haller? Harry Haller é um tipo de personalidade INFJ em mbti, 4w5 - sx/sp - 451 em enneagram, RLOEI em Big 5, IEI em sociônicos."

His story arc seems very INFPish, but his behavior and way of thinking are not very suggestive of INFP. His single-minded approach to art and his problematic idealism are pure Ni. His aversion to having fun, which he links to the bourgeoisie, is one of the best samples of suppressed Se over a very dominant Ni. His hesitation in doing what his heart desires in favor of must's and should's give me the idea of a Fe aux user with Fi critic. I think he uses Ti, not Te, so I am more inclined to INFJ, and not INTJ. The way he lost his job (writing an article expressing negative opinions on current politics) and the way he describes his disapproval of society is more suggestive of Ni-Fe-Ti than Ni-Te-Fi. The Ni-Ti loop (unhealthy INFJs) comes with an excessive disapproval of the outer world, due to frustration with it, leaving the INFJ lonely, withdrawn, cold, detached, imbalanced and empty. A Ni-(Fe)-Ti user is more prone to reject the world expressively in times of frustration; Ni-Te users are more strategic and domineering in that manner. In addition, since this is a book exploring the concept of having many different selfs: Harry is a character with superego of very strict principles (ISTJ; the 'superego' of INFJs). He describes himself as having a side that is very kind, soft, moral and idealistic (INFJ personality). And he recognizes a side of him that is cruel, selfish, opportunistic (ESTP; 'alterego' of the INFJ).

