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  2. Literatura
  3. Try Begging (k-novel)

Sally Bristol tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é Sally Bristol ? Sally Bristol é um tipo de personalidade INFJ em mbti, 4w5 - - 593 em enneagram, em Big 5, ESI em sociônicos."

After reading the novel until chapter 118, Grace (sally Bristol) is an INFJ and i understand why people would think she is an INFP. Let dig into it, cause it’s long. Her profound introspection and foresight are the key indicators of her dominant ni and she is able to reflect deeply on her past decisions such as regretting to rely on Peter (the first time she escapes) and understanding the severe consequences of actions. She is able to understand complex situations and her greatest strategy to survival is her awareness of the power dynamic with Winston that reflect her Ni-driven ability to understand very complex scenarios. Her interactions including her residence and internal reactions to Winston’s behaviour further exhibit is her alignment with Fe. She is always deeply affected by others’ behaviour and the impact of their actions on her shows the concern she has and for others. For example when Winston first found out her real identity with Fred (i think that’s his name) revealing it and exposing her, she is able to understand the impact of this and does what she can to protect herself and others. Grace’s reactions to Winston’s behaviour and her desperate actions for survival further reveal her Fe. For example, Grace’s emotional turmoil when faced with hunger (begging for food in chapter 72). She is able to adjust to the external emotional dynamics and will endure humiliation and interact with Winston ins a way that aligns with his expectations. Throughout the chapters, we do see that even though she is feisty and many times fights back against Winston, she is able to understand and manage the ‘em-optional impact of her interactions and has an approach to to maintain some form of control over her emotions and situation, despite the internal resentment and hate she holds. Grave idealistic nature is reflected in her behaviour and her idealism as well as her commitment to her personal beliefs align with the dominant function of Ni. Info’s have a strong sense of their ideals and vision for a better future, even it means confronting uncomfortable truths.


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