Emma Bloom tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é Emma Bloom? Emma Bloom é um tipo de personalidade INFJ em mbti, 4w5 - so/sx - 497 em enneagram, RCOAI em Big 5, IEI em sociônicos."

She is indeed quite different from her book ISTP counterpart, but I still liked the portrayal quite a lot. Whenever there are multiple versions of the same story, I like to see it as different people altogether who have a great many things in common. I know that sounds a little odd… If anyone has seen any of the Spider-Verse movies (especially the most recent one), there are many different Spider-powered characters who all go through certain similar events in some way, yet there are many different characters and many variations of the same characters. For example, there are many versions of Peter Parker (the original/classic Spider-Man) and most of them are ENFPs, INFPs, or INTPs. Different stories are told with the same characters in different ways. The series Once Upon a Time played with that concept as well, and although it was not as popular, I really liked the idea behind it. Essentially, multiple versions of the same characters are separate people and personalities. For example, there were two Cinderella characters, one an ISFJ, the other an ISTJ, different in appearance, and with different actresses portraying them. Ultimately, this mindset allows me to better appreciate new versions of stories. There are many times I wish characters could be more similar to their source material, but since that is not something I can change, I have learned to appreciate the new versions as they are (provided the story is still good of course; some different versions do not go so well. 😂). Anyway, thank you for reading. I hope this made sense and that you have a wonderful day. 💜


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