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  2. Desenhos animados
  3. Wii Deleted You

Kyle Sanders tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é Kyle Sanders? Kyle Sanders é um tipo de personalidade ISTJ em mbti, 6w5 - sx/sp - 614 em enneagram, em Big 5, LSI em sociônicos."


Kyle Sanders is a main reoccurring character throughout the entire Wii Deleted You series. He is the protagonist of Kyle's Trilogy, alongside Episodes 1 and 3 of WDY: Aftermath. Kyle as a child seemed to have been rather timid and shy, only really open with Nathan, but also easily excitable. He was easily scared by Eteled, however. After his encounter with Eteled, he became more anxious, somewhat closed off, and unwilling to listen to Sam when she attempts to reason with him.
