Lee Yoon Seo тип личности MBTI


"Какой тип личности является Lee Yoon Seo? Lee Yoon Seo - это тип личности INFP в mbti, 9w1 - so/sx - 962 в Enneagram, RLOAI в Big 5, EII в Socionics."

She is an INFP. She has no Se, but Si. She takes time to make a decision because she wants to come up with the best possible choice. She looks to the past to try to learn from her mistakes and plan for the future. She tries to collect as much information as possible. Ne has many information and points of view. Which makes it difficult for her to draw conclusions, and somewhat distracting Sorry if my English is bad also I'm not very good in mbti


Телевидение символы аналогичны Lee Yoon Seo
