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Meg Thomas MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Meg Thomas? Meg Thomas is an ESTP personality type in MBTI, 7w8 - sp/so - 782 in Enneagram, SCUEI in Big 5, SEE in Socionics.

The Meg. A horrifying creature, it stops at nothing to get what it wants. Normally armed with a flashlight, the Meg stomps around the trials fearlessly. The Meg is notorious for terrifying the killer and dropping shack pallet. This is a horrible creature which has an insatiable thirst for blood.


AN ENERGETIC ATHLETE Meg Thomas was someone filled with unfocused energy. She excelled at school but was off the rails, but thankfully, one of the athletics coaches taught her how to spend that energy on the track. She eventually became a high school athlete star and graduated with a scholarship to college, but she turned it down after she heard that her mother, her only parent after her father left them when she was just a baby, fell incredibly ill in order to stay by her side and care for her. During the summer, Meg decided to take a run through the woods. She never returned and her body was never found. As a Survivor, Meg's unique perks Quick & Quiet, Sprint Burst and Adrenaline help her keep distance between herself and the Killer while giving her advantages during the chase. Quick & Quiet muffles the sound of any rushed actions you undertake. Sprint Burst allows you to break into a sprint on demand, letting you make a quick escape if the Killer surprises you. Adrenaline activates once the exit gate switches are powered, automatically healing you for one health state and letting you sprint for five seconds.
